Hi everyone,
I cannot push my code but i'll try to explain it the easier I can.
I have two objects of the same class (Block) thats inherit from Q_Object with a slot function (catchSignal(QString)), a signal emitted (finished()), and a main function (execute())
This is the main call for :
void Block::execute() {
- allocate new QNetworkAccessManager, do a request and connect the finished(QNetworkReply *) signal to a QEventLoop's quit() function
- connect QDBusConnection::sessionBus()'s particular signal (emit from a another program) to the catchSignal(Qstring) slot
- connect the Block emitted signal (finished()) to another QEventLoop's slot (quit())
- disconnect QDBusConnection::sessionBus() from the signal I wanted to listen to
void Block::catchSignal(QString str) {
- must be called 6 times by each object
- when its has been called 6 times ---> emit finished() signal
I run the execute function of my two objects in a separate thread (c++ thread) but I noticed that when the main thread finished before the other, I dont received all event in my object from 2nd thread, and this last blocks for infinity.
I tried to see whats happening on DBUS with dbus-monitor under linux, all signal required are well send.
Do u have any ideas ?
If u need more detail about the program u can ask question