Hi Anda,

Thanks for reading the problem I am having and I appreciate the overview of the different options I have.

My goal is to develop the application further and add the ability to search through the albums, sort by a specific variable and possibly even drag and drop a card to a different Album.

The more important function however is the ability to save the "session" to a local file and load from it on start up. It could be a parent class to App called AppManager that has the methods ExportLibrary and ImportLibrary to and from a local file. I have not decided on a format for the data yet, I am really open for anything.

I am mentioning this to help narrow down the more appropriate path to take for the data structure. Once I have gotten the current obsticle fixed and learned how to implement it, I will change the root context property from App to AppManager and have it provide the App instance to the application.

I assume that this narrows down my options to option 1 for the most suitable data structure which is having the data classes separate from the from the models.

The Card class shouldn't inherit publicly from QAbstractListModel. That was a mistake from my part. It however should be registered and made available to the QML to help instanciate Card objects for the Albums.

What do you think, does it sound right?
