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Thread: QML: a SwipeView inside a Rectangle

  1. #1
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    Default QML: a SwipeView inside a Rectangle

    I've been trying to place a SwipeView with two pages inside a Rectangle and indent it by 20 pixels from each side:

    Qt Code:
    1. import QtQuick 2.7
    2. import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
    3. import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
    5. ApplicationWindow
    6. {
    7. visible: true
    8. width: 640
    9. height: 480
    10. title: qsTr("Hello World")
    12. Column
    13. {
    14. anchors.fill: parent
    15. //anchors.margins: 20
    17. Rectangle
    18. {
    19. id: yellowRect
    20. color: "yellow"
    21. width: parent.width
    22. height: parent.height - tabBar.height
    23. //anchors.fill: parent
    24. //anchors.margins: 20
    26. SwipeView
    27. {
    28. id: swipeView
    29. //parent: yellowRect
    30. //anchors.fill: yellowRect//parent
    31. anchors.margins: 20
    32. anchors.fill: parent
    33. currentIndex: tabBar.currentIndex
    35. Page
    36. {
    37. //width: 300
    38. //height: 300
    39. //anchors.fill: parent
    40. //anchors.margins: 20
    41. Column
    42. {
    43. Label { text: "First page" }
    44. TextField { }
    45. }
    46. }
    48. Page
    49. {
    50. //anchors.fill: parent
    51. //anchors.margins: 20
    52. //width: 300
    53. //height: 300
    54. Label {
    55. text: qsTr("Second page")
    56. anchors.centerIn: parent
    57. }
    58. }
    59. } // Swipeview
    60. } // Rectangle
    62. TabBar
    63. {
    64. id: tabBar
    65. TabButton { text: "First" }
    66. TabButton { text: "Second" }
    67. }
    68. } // Column
    69. } // ApplicationWindow
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    The code above produces the following:
    Знімок екрана 2017-01-30 12.09.41.jpg
    Знімок екрана 2017-01-30 12.09.52.jpg

    In particular, there is no indent on the right when the first page is active or the left when the second page is active.

    How can I fix that?
    Magicians do not exist

  2. #2
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    Default Re: QML: a SwipeView inside a Rectangle

    That could be the pages being drawn outside the parent.

    You could check by enabling clipping on the parent/view.


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