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Thread: Dynamic QOpenGLTexture with arbitrary data

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Qt products

    Default Dynamic QOpenGLTexture with arbitrary data

    I'm trying to render camera stream, the problem is camera isn't recognized and all the Qt machinery is useless.
    What i have is a pointer `void* data` that can be accessed for curret frame.
    The solution i've came up is to follow this tutorial:
    only I'm using `QOpenGLTexture` filled with video data stream.

    Redering a frame looks like this:
    1. paint() is called
    2. inside of paint function updateTexture is called, followed by texture->bind()
    3. After that shader is linked and quad is painted.
    4. texture->release;

    Two important functions are below. updateTexture has also overloaded version that fills that gets the data from device and calls the "main" updateTexture.

    Qt Code:
    1. void RsFrameProvider::updateTexture(const void* data, int width, int height, rs::format format, int stride = 0) {
    2. stride = stride == 0 ? width : stride;
    4. QOpenGLTexture::PixelType pixType;
    5. QOpenGLTexture::PixelFormat pixFormat;
    6. QOpenGLTexture::TextureFormat texFormat;
    8. switch(format)
    9. {
    10. case rs::format::any:
    11. throw std::runtime_error("not a valid format");
    12. case rs::format::rgb8: case rs::format::bgr8: // Display both RGB and BGR by interpreting them RGB, to show the flipped byte ordering. Obviously, GL_BGR could be used on OpenGL 1.2+
    13. texFormat = QOpenGLTexture::RGBFormat;
    14. pixFormat = QOpenGLTexture::RGB;
    15. pixType = QOpenGLTexture::UInt8;
    16. std::cerr << "Texture data set.";
    17. //glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, width, height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
    18. break;
    20. default:
    21. {
    22. std::stringstream ss;
    23. ss << rs_format_to_string((rs_format)format) << " RS: Pixel format is not supported";
    24. throw std::runtime_error(ss.str().c_str());
    25. }
    26. }
    28. if (!texture->isStorageAllocated()) {
    29. texture->setSize(width, height);
    30. texture->setFormat(texFormat);
    31. texture->allocateStorage(pixFormat, pixType);
    32. }
    33. texture->setData(pixFormat, pixType, data);
    35. std::cerr << "VALUE: " << ((uchar*) data);
    36. // Texture updated ready to bind
    37. std::cerr << "Texture ready to bind, FPS:" << fps << " pixFormat" << pixFormat << std::endl;
    38. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    I'm sure that each frame there is non-zero texture produced since I can print the data from device on the cerr stream.

    Paint function:

    Qt Code:
    1. void Renderer::paint()
    2. {
    3. frameProvider.updateTexture();
    4. frameProvider.texture->bind(0);
    7. if (!m_program) {
    8. initializeOpenGLFunctions();
    10. m_program = new QOpenGLShaderProgram();
    11. m_program->addShaderFromSourceCode(QOpenGLShader::Vertex,
    12. "attribute highp vec4 vertices;"
    13. "varying highp vec2 coords;"
    14. "attribute highp vec4 texCoord;"
    15. "varying highp vec4 texc;"
    16. "void main() {"
    17. " gl_Position = vertices;"
    18. " coords = vertices.xy;"
    19. " texc = texCoord;"
    20. "}");
    21. m_program->addShaderFromSourceCode(QOpenGLShader::Fragment,
    22. "uniform lowp float t;"
    23. "varying highp vec2 coords;"
    25. "varying highp vec4 texc;"
    26. "uniform sampler2D tex;"
    27. "void main() {"
    28. " lowp float i = 1. - (pow(abs(coords.x), 4.) + pow(abs(coords.y), 4.));"
    29. " i = smoothstep(t - 0.8, t + 0.8, i);"
    30. " i = floor(i * 20.) / 20.;"
    31. " highp vec3 color = texture2D(tex, texc.xy).rgb;"
    32. " gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);"
    33. "}");
    35. m_program->bindAttributeLocation("vertices", 0);
    36. m_program->bindAttributeLocation("texCoord", 1);
    38. m_program->link();
    40. }
    41. m_program->bind();
    43. m_program->enableAttributeArray(0);
    44. m_program->enableAttributeArray(1);
    45. float values[] = {
    46. -1, -1,
    47. 1, -1,
    48. -1, 1,
    49. 1, 1
    50. };
    51. float texCoords[] = {
    52. 0, 0,
    53. 1, 0,
    54. 0, 1,
    55. 1, 1
    56. };
    57. m_program->setAttributeArray(0, GL_FLOAT, values, 2);
    58. m_program->setAttributeArray(1, GL_FLOAT, texCoords, 2 );
    60. m_program->setUniformValue("t", (float) m_t);
    61. m_program->setUniformValue("tex", 0);
    63. glViewport(0, 0, m_viewportSize.width(), m_viewportSize.height());
    65. glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
    67. glClearColor(0, 0, 0, 1);
    68. glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
    70. glEnable(GL_BLEND);
    71. glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
    73. glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
    75. m_program->disableAttributeArray(0);
    76. m_program->disableAttributeArray(1);
    79. frameProvider.texture->release();
    80. m_program->release();
    82. // Not strictly needed for this example, but generally useful for when
    83. // mixing with raw OpenGL.
    84. m_window->resetOpenGLState();
    86. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    All I get is a black screen.
    If I use non-dynamic texture created from Image by QOpenGLTexture( url ...) binded the same way as dynamic one - I can see textured quad.

    Is it even correct way to approach video rendering?
    I want good performance and access to video frame data.
    What is wrong?
    Last edited by pietrko; 11th May 2017 at 12:12.

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