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Thread: using google test with Qt qml App

  1. #1
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    Default using google test with Qt qml App

    I'm new to TDD and Google Unit Test and having issues setting up some simple testing for class that #include <QObject>.

    I have got the testing libraries installed for Qt Creator and have the Auto test plugin enabled
    qtdeclarative5-dev-tools qtdeclarative5-test-plugin

    I have a SUBDIR project that has two projects in it: one project is for the QML/C++ application and the other sub project is for Auto Unit Testing (Google Test & QtQuick Test)

    Qt Code:
    1. TEMPLATE = subdirs
    2. SUBDIRS += Application \
    3. AutoTests
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    I can create a simple class (multiply.cpp) in my qml/c++ app and able to test it in the my other sub-project GTest
    Header file for multiply.cpp
    Qt Code:
    1. #ifndef MULTIPLY_H
    2. #define MULTIPLY_H
    5. class Multiply
    6. {
    7. public:
    8. Multiply();
    9. int TwoNums(int x, int y);
    10. };
    12. #endif // MULTIPLY_H
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    Here is my Test Function for my multiply class example (I had to add existing files and select my multiply.cpp file and add it to this sub=projects sources)
    Qt Code:
    1. #include <gtest/gtest.h>
    2. #include <gmock/gmock-matchers.h>
    3. #include "../../Application/Application/multiply.h"
    5. using namespace testing;
    7. TEST(Multiply_Test1, Multiply_Set1)
    8. {
    9. Multiply multiplyObj;
    10. EXPECT_EQ(6, multiplyObj.TwoNums(2,3));
    11. ASSERT_THAT(0, Eq(0));
    12. }
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    This is my project structure

    I don't know if I need to mock the class to take away the dependencies of QObject sub class ? I not sure how to write an appropriate test for something that sub-classes another object

    I'm having issue testing any class that use a sub class like QObject, Get errors saying fatal error: QObject: No such file or directory (this happens for each #include)

    Qt Code:
    1. class ListView : public QObject
    2. {
    3. Q_OBJECT
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    I'm also trying to get QtQuick Test to work with this project too but not having any luck understanding how to implement it fully
    I set up an Auto Test SubDir
    I have tried creating a test_Button.qml file with test cases in it
    I added Macro for running QtQuick Test to a .cpp file so that the test "harness" can run the tests (test harness scans current directory for tst_ files) unless environment variable is set specifying path

    Qt Code:
    1. QUICK_TEST_MAIN(example)
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    I'm not sure with the SUBDIR structure where my Quick Unit test should live

    I'm I setting everything up correctly Google test? and QtQuick Test?

    What is the best way to implement Auto Unit Testing in Qt using Google Tests ?

    any advice or examples would be awesome
    Last edited by jfinn88; 19th May 2017 at 01:58.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: using google test with Qt qml App

    I been trying to get QtQuick Test implemented into and a simple project QML/C++.

    I have created a subdir project with two sub projects one project holds app (QML/C++)

    I used the Qt Creator Project wizard to create these sub-projects

    I have the test libraries installed and have the plugin enabled for AutoTests Libraries: qtdeclarative5-dev-tools qtdeclarative5-test-plugin

    I created a QML file in my auto test sub-project called tst_MyItem.qml
    this is where I want to create my unit test using javaScript and TestCase object

    In Order to test my QML file in my Application subproject:
    I have tried importing the QML file into the tst_MyItem.qml file (says can't find it ...)
    I have right clicked on my AutoTest sub project add Existing files and added MyItem.qml file from my Application sub-project into my AutoTest Sub-project
    I have Tried adding MyItem as a component into tst_MyItem.qml
    I have tried creating the tst_MyItem.qml (with javaScript Unit test funitons in it) inside my Application sub-project (mainPage) and tried calling macro from AutoTest Sub projects
    Qt Code:
    1. TestCase {
    2. name: "Test_MyItem"
    3. // MyItem{
    4. // id: item
    5. // }
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    I can create simple TestCase that are irrelevant to the QML I need to test and run it and have it pass or fail but not sure how to test the QML code I have written

    Qt Code:
    1. import QtQuick 2.3
    2. import QtTest 1.0
    3. //import "../../../../HelloWorld/QML/MyItem.qml"
    6. TestCase {
    7. name: "Test_MyItem"
    9. // MyItem{
    10. // id: item
    11. // }
    13. function test_testField_text() {
    14. var myString = "Hello World"
    15. compare(myString, "Hello World", "not equal")
    16. }
    18. function test_fail() {
    19. compare(2 + 2, 5, "2 + 2 = 5")
    20. }
    21. }
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    C++ test harnsses main() call with MACRO
    Qt Code:
    1. #include <QtTest>
    2. #include <QtQuickTest>
    3. #include <QtQuick/QtQuick>
    4. #include <QCoreApplication>
    6. QUICK_TEST_MAIN(Test_MyItem);
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    Here is my Project StructurefileStructure_ex.png

    Here is MyItem.qml I want to write Unit tests for which is in my sub-project Application

    Qt Code:
    1. import QtQuick 2.0
    2. import QtQuick.Controls 1.0
    3. import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.1
    4. import QtQml 2.2
    7. Item{
    8. id: item
    9. width: 400
    10. height: 500
    12. //Sends text to c++ fcn
    13. signal submitTextField(string text)
    15. // this function is our QML slot
    16. function setTextField(text){
    17. console.log("setTextField: " + text)
    18. textField1.text = text
    19. }
    21. Button{
    22. id: quitButton
    23. width: 100
    24. height: 20
    25. text: "Quit"
    27. anchors.topMargin: 10
    28. MouseArea {
    29. anchors.fill: parent
    30. onClicked: {
    31. Qt.quit();
    32. console.log("Quit button clicked")
    33. }
    34. }
    35. }
    37. TextField {
    38. id: textField1
    39. x: 31
    40. y: 169
    41. placeholderText: qsTr("Enter some text...")
    42. }
    44. Button {
    45. x: 193
    46. y: 167
    47. text: qsTr("Uppercase me!")
    48. onClicked:
    49. // emit the submitTextField signal
    50. submitTextField(textField1.text)
    51. }
    53. Button{
    54. id:openWin_btn
    55. text: "open window"
    56. anchors.left: quitButton.right
    58. anchors.topMargin: 10
    59. MouseArea {
    60. anchors.fill: parent
    61. onClicked:{
    62. console.log("btn clicked")
    63. //stackview.pop(item)
    64. //stackview.push(mainView_comp)
    65. //showHomeScreen();
    66. }
    67. }
    68. }
    70. // Connections{
    71. // id: connectionForSignal
    72. // target:
    73. // }
    75. StackView {
    76. id: stackview
    77. width: parent.width
    78. height: parent.height
    79. anchors.fill: parent
    80. //initialItem: Qt.resolvedUrl("qrc:/QML/MyItem.qml")
    81. }
    83. // Component{
    84. // id: mainView_comp
    85. // MainView{
    86. // id: mainView_page
    87. // objectName: "mainView_page"
    88. // }
    89. // }
    90. }
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    Last edited by jfinn88; 19th May 2017 at 22:47.

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