Did some searching, but, as usual my search terms are lacking...

I have a mainwindow (and appropriate layouts, etc.) with a tabwidget on it.

When my code loads a "project", the project may need n tabs.

When the program starts it reads a project and displays the appropriate number of tabs, lets say 2 tabs. Each tab then gets a lot of controls, labels, etc.

Then the user may select FIle > Open and select a new project.

During the loading of the new project, I want to throw away the old tabs and repopulate the widget with a new set of n tabs.

I'm guessing there is a proper term to describe this that would make this description less wordy (and is probably what I should use as a search term...).

The question is how to or what is the process of clearing out the old tabs in the widget and repopulating with new tabs.
