I am resurrecting an old (Pre version 5) Qt project. I see that the signal/slot syntax has changed, but that the old format is still supported. I restarted the project from an old functional version. The project compiles without error.
The connect commands connect the various dialog buttons with the functionality code. Hence the connect commands are at the top of the dialog constructor after the ui->setupUI(this) command.

When I run I get a SIGSEGV runtime error when I get to the connect statement both with the original statement and with my new statement.
Checking with the debugger, all the pointers have values.
Qt Code:
  1. //My original connect statement was
  2. connect ( comboBox_Aaccount, SIGNAL ( activated ( QString ) ), this, SLOT ( selectAccount( QString ) ) );
  3. //My new one is
  4. connect(comboBox_Aaccount,SIGNAL( &comboBox_Aaccount::activated), this, SLOT(&selectAccount( QString& )));
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
I have read through the documentation and forum and had no problems with the previous system, I assume I'm missing something obvious I just can't see.