
I play a videogame called Mu Online. The server I play offers a website where, by clicking in a link, I can get a list of currently active players and the server they are logged into (https://www.muonline.com.br/ , then click in the number after "Onlines" in the right menu).

I'd like to create a light desktop app that would frequently (say 10s) monitors the active player table warning me when a given player is active via system tray icon.

The problem is I don't have much experience with dealing with web information and what I have probably doesn't work here: I only have some experience with QNetworkAcessManager downloading asset data from Yahoo! Finances, something that was easily accesible via a configurable web url. The mentioned website above, though, doesn't provide a specific link to the online players table: you may notice that, when accessing the table, the url doesn't change.

So how could I load this information from the website? I imagined that using QWebView I could archieve something, but I would still face the problem of reaching the online players table via QWebView.

So how could I do this? Any help will be appreciated.