Hi all,

I'm on this "newbie" thread, but in fact I'm more ignorant in this matter than a newbie : I'm a user...

I run Kubuntu 16.04 on a VM / VirtualBox hosted on Linux Mint17.
I've installed an appli so called "Makerware" on it .
Makerware needs Qt5 to run, and not any earlier version than ubuntu, 16.04 this is why I choose Kubuntu. Installation ran fine.

I could run my appli once, but when I launched it for the second time, I got this message:
Qt Code:
  1. gerard@gerard-VirtualBox:~$ makerware
  2. QSettings::value: Empty key passed
  3. QSettings::value: Empty key passed
  4. Illegal instruction (core dumped)
  5. gerard@gerard-VirtualBox:~$
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

The window popps up for 2 seconds and then disappear. Every time since.

Would anyone here have an idea about that and how to solve it, I'll be very greatfull.

Thanks in advance.