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Thread: QCameraViewfinder behaves differently in Windows and Xubuntu.

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Qt products

    Default QCameraViewfinder behaves differently in Windows and Xubuntu.

    Hi, I wanted to create a test project to use my webcam to take a still picture and save it as a file.
    I'm using Qt 5.3.1 on Windows7 and Qt 5.5.1 on Xubuntu 14
    The code is identical in both platforms, but in my Mainwindows application, I have to different ways of taking the picture:
    1. The first way involves creating a QCamera, a QCameraViewfinder and a QCameraImageCapture from within the Mainwindow. One slot creates the camera and viewfinder which it displays as a separate window. The second slot attempts to capture the image so as to save to a file.

    1. The second way is to create a separate dialog box which has the QCameraViewfinder inside a QLayout. Most of the dialog is designed with the QtDesigner inside QtCreator,
      and the QCameraViewfinder is appended (by hand written code) as a widget to the vertical layout I have used to align a btCapture button and a stop button.

    It's a surprise to me that the first method works on Xubuntu, but not on Windows: I get a message
    failed to start
    Stream did not open
    in Windows (with a black viewfinder)
    but a small and functional viewfinder in Xubuntu.
    The problem with this is that I get a lot of
    QWidget:: paintEngine: Should no longer be called

    The second solution works in Windows without a problem, but on Xubuntu I get a lot of
    QWidget:: paintEngine: Should no longer be called
    I dont know if those messages signal danger!

    Of course a nice small fully working example would be welcome.

    Now here is the code. In the mainwindow.cpp file I have this
    Qt Code:
    1. MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
    2. QMainWindow(parent),
    3. ui(new Ui::MainWindow),
    4. m_QCamera(NULL),
    5. m_QCameraImageCapture(NULL),
    6. m_QCameraViewfinder(NULL),
    7. m_DialogViewer(NULL)
    8. {
    9. ui->setupUi(this);
    10. m_DialogViewer = new DialogViewer(this);
    11. connect(ui->actionCount_cameras,SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),this, SLOT(slotCountCameras()));
    12. connect(ui->actionViewfinder,SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),this,SLOT(slotViewfinder1()));
    13. connect(ui->actionCapture_Image,SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),this,SLOT(slotCaptureImage1()));
    14. connect(ui->actionCapture_Image2,SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),this,SLOT(slotCaptureImage2()));
    15. connect(ui->actionViewer_dialog,SIGNAL(triggered(bool)),this,SLOT(slotDialogViewer()));
    16. }
    18. MainWindow::~MainWindow()
    19. {
    20. delete ui;
    21. if(m_QCamera)
    22. delete m_QCamera;
    23. if(m_QCameraImageCapture)
    24. delete m_QCameraImageCapture;
    25. if(m_QCameraViewfinder)
    26. delete m_QCameraViewfinder;
    27. if(m_DialogViewer)
    28. delete m_DialogViewer;
    29. }
    30. void MainWindow::tracemsg(QString s)
    31. {
    32. ui->plainTextEdit1->append(s);
    33. }
    35. void MainWindow::slotCountCameras()
    36. {
    37. int camera_count = QCameraInfo::availableCameras().count();
    38. tracemsg(tr("Number of cameras connected = %1").arg(camera_count));
    39. for(int i = 0; i < camera_count;i++)
    40. {
    41. QCameraInfo caminfo = QCameraInfo::availableCameras().at(i);
    42. tracemsg(tr("device name = %1").arg(caminfo.deviceName()));
    43. tracemsg(tr("description = %1").arg(caminfo.description()));
    45. }
    46. }
    48. // adaptation of code in
    50. void MainWindow::slotViewfinder1()
    51. {
    52. m_QCamera = new QCamera;
    53. m_QCamera->setCaptureMode(QCamera::CaptureStillImage);
    54. m_QCameraViewfinder = new QCameraViewfinder;
    55. m_QCamera->setViewfinder(m_QCameraViewfinder);
    56. m_QCameraViewfinder->show();
    57. m_QCamera->start(); // to start the viewfinder
    58. }
    60. void MainWindow::slotCaptureImage1()
    61. {
    63. if(m_QCameraImageCapture)
    64. delete m_QCameraImageCapture;
    65. m_QCameraImageCapture = new QCameraImageCapture(m_QCamera);
    66. m_QCameraImageCapture->setCaptureDestination(QCameraImageCapture::CaptureToFile);
    67. tracemsg(tr("Codec used = %1").arg(m_QCameraImageCapture->encodingSettings().codec()));
    69. connect(m_QCameraImageCapture,SIGNAL(imageCaptured(int,QImage)),this, SLOT(slotSaveImage1(int,QImage)));
    70. if(m_QCameraImageCapture->isAvailable())
    71. {
    72. m_QCameraImageCapture->capture("");
    73. }
    74. else
    75. {
    76. tracemsg(tr("Capture not available"));
    77. }
    79. }
    81. void MainWindow::slotCaptureImage2()
    82. {
    84. if(m_QCameraImageCapture)
    85. delete m_QCameraImageCapture;
    87. m_QCameraImageCapture = new QCameraImageCapture(m_QCamera);
    88. m_QCameraImageCapture->setCaptureDestination(QCameraImageCapture::CaptureToFile);
    89. tracemsg(tr("Codec used = %1").arg(m_QCameraImageCapture->encodingSettings().codec()));
    90. if(m_QCameraImageCapture->isAvailable())
    91. {
    92. m_QCameraImageCapture->capture("Portrait2.jpg");
    93. }
    94. else
    95. {
    96. tracemsg(tr("Capture not available"));
    97. }
    98. }
    100. void MainWindow::slotSaveImage1(int id, QImage img)
    101. {
    102. tracemsg(tr("id save image received %1").arg(id));
    103."Portrait1.jpg"),"JPEG") ;
    104. }
    106. void MainWindow::slotDialogViewer()
    107. {
    108. m_DialogViewer->show();
    109. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    Here is the code of DialogViewer
    Qt Code:
    1. #include <QCamera>
    2. #include <QMessageBox>
    3. #include <QCameraViewfinder>
    4. #include <QCameraImageCapture>
    6. #include "dialogviewer.h"
    7. #include "ui_dialogviewer.h"
    9. DialogViewer::DialogViewer(QWidget *parent) :
    10. QDialog(parent),
    11. ui(new Ui::DialogViewer),
    12. m_QCamera(NULL),
    13. m_QCameraImageCapture(NULL),
    14. m_QCameraViewfinder(NULL)
    15. {
    17. ui->setupUi(this);
    18. QSizePolicy policy(QSizePolicy::Preferred,QSizePolicy::Preferred,QSizePolicy::DefaultType);
    20. m_QCamera = new QCamera(this);
    21. m_QCameraViewfinder = new QCameraViewfinder(this);
    22. m_QCameraViewfinder->setBaseSize(600,800);
    23. m_QCameraViewfinder->setSizePolicy(policy);
    24. m_QCamera->setViewfinder(m_QCameraViewfinder);
    25. ui->verticalLayout->addWidget(m_QCameraViewfinder);
    26. m_QCamera->start(); // to start the viewfinder
    28. }
    29. void DialogViewer::tracemsg(QString s)
    30. {
    31. QMessageBox::critical(this,tr("error"),s);
    32. }
    34. DialogViewer::~DialogViewer()
    35. {
    36. delete ui;
    37. }
    39. void DialogViewer::on_btCapture_clicked()
    40. {
    41. m_QCameraImageCapture = new QCameraImageCapture(m_QCamera);
    42. m_QCameraImageCapture->setCaptureDestination(QCameraImageCapture::CaptureToFile);
    44. //connect(m_QCameraImageCapture,SIGNAL(imageCaptured(int,QImage)),this, SLOT(slotSaveImage1(int,QImage)));
    45. if(m_QCameraImageCapture->isAvailable())
    46. {
    47. QString file("portrait_from_dialog.jpg");
    48. m_QCameraImageCapture->capture(file);
    49. }
    50. else
    51. {
    52. tracemsg(tr("Capture not available"));
    53. }
    54. }
    56. void DialogViewer::on_stop_clicked()
    57. {
    58. close();
    59. }
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    For completeness here is Mainwindow.h
    Qt Code:
    1. #include <QMainWindow>
    3. namespace Ui {
    4. class MainWindow;
    5. }
    7. class QCamera;
    8. class QCameraViewfinder;
    9. class QCameraImageCapture;
    10. class DialogViewer;
    12. class MainWindow : public QMainWindow
    13. {
    14. Q_OBJECT
    16. public:
    17. explicit MainWindow(QWidget *parent = 0);
    18. ~MainWindow();
    19. private slots:
    20. void tracemsg(QString s);
    21. void slotCountCameras();
    22. void slotViewfinder1();
    23. void slotCaptureImage1();
    24. void slotCaptureImage2();
    25. void slotSaveImage1(int id, QImage img);
    26. void slotDialogViewer();
    28. private:
    29. Ui::MainWindow *ui;
    30. QCamera *m_QCamera;
    31. QCameraViewfinder *m_QCameraViewfinder;
    32. QCameraImageCapture *m_QCameraImageCapture;
    33. DialogViewer *m_DialogViewer;
    34. };
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    The code of Dialogviewer.h
    Qt Code:
    1. #include <QDialog>
    2. class QCamera;
    3. class QCameraViewfinder;
    4. class QCameraImageCapture;
    5. namespace Ui {
    6. class DialogViewer;
    7. }
    9. class DialogViewer : public QDialog
    10. {
    11. Q_OBJECT
    13. public:
    14. explicit DialogViewer(QWidget *parent = 0);
    15. ~DialogViewer();
    17. private slots:
    18. void on_btCapture_clicked();
    20. void on_stop_clicked();
    22. private:
    23. Ui::DialogViewer *ui;
    24. QCamera *m_QCamera;
    25. QCameraViewfinder *m_QCameraViewfinder;
    26. QCameraImageCapture *m_QCameraImageCapture;
    27. void tracemsg(QString s);
    28. };
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    Last edited by feraudyh; 15th July 2017 at 20:52. Reason: presentation

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Laval, France
    Thanked 2 Times in 2 Posts
    Qt products

    Default Re: QCameraViewfinder behaves differently in Windows and Xubuntu.

    OK, I have a partial answer to my problem above:
    The constructor of DialogViewer which is called in the Mainwindow above is "competing" with the viewer that can be opened from the MainWindow menus, in that they both try to open a video stream.
    If I comment out
    Qt Code:
    1. m_DialogViewer = new DialogViewer(this);
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    from the MainWindow constructor then I can view the video stream via
    Qt Code:
    1. MainWindow::slotViewfinder1();
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

    But this does not tell me why I get those
    QWidget:: paintEngine: Should no longer be called
    messages on Xubuntu.
    Last edited by feraudyh; 16th July 2017 at 14:05. Reason: reformatted to look better

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