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Thread: QwtPlotMarker with "non-transparent" background?

  1. #1
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    Default QwtPlotMarker with "non-transparent" background?


    This really feels like a question which I should not need to ask. Probably the answer is right in front of my nose... Anyhow, I have a couple of marker texts (QwtPlotMarker) in my plot and when two of them sometime partly overlap due to plot size etc, I would prefer to have one of them cover the other (in the overlapping area), instead of seeing the texts from both markers.

    If I could make sure the markers have a (white) background and really have that backgound cover the other marker (which has a lower z-value), I would be really glad. I tried setting the backgound brush of the QwtText (which I use as marker label) to QBrush(Qt::white) but still I see the text from both markers even in the overlapping area. What am I missing?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
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    Default Re: QwtPlotMarker with "non-transparent" background?

    Quote Originally Posted by dobedidoo View Post
    I tried setting the backgound brush of the QwtText (which I use as marker label) to QBrush(Qt::white) but still I see the text from both markers even in the overlapping area.
    The following code results in a opaque white background for the text:

    Qt Code:
    1. QwtText text( ... );
    2. text.setBackgroundBrush( Qt::white );
    3. ...
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
    Then all what's left is to adjust the z values of the plot items, so that the marker with the background is rendered on top of the other.


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