To start off with, I'm sorry I can't really post my code. To show the bug would require my entire program and it's just too much to attach, so I'll be as specific as possible.
I have a database file, called `TF.db`. In this file, there are 2 tables, `table1` and `table2`. The idea of the program is that `TF.db` is put in a shared network folder, and people on different computers connected to the network can see changes occurring to the database in realtime.
To make sure that the connection to the table is unique, I call addDatabase('QSQLITE', userName) where userName is the username of the user (duh). I then have 2 QSqlTableModel's that are created the same way and are very similar to each other in terms of how they edit and set data: oneModel.setTable('table1') and twoModel.setTable('table2'). The models are then set to their respective QTableView's, but that isn't important in the bug.
When one user implements oneModel.setData() another user can change that new data with oneModel.setData() if they feel. The bug is when one user tries to implement twoModel.setData(), if another user tries to change it, setData sets the entire record to None. But if the same user who initially implemented twoModel.setData() changes the data, they successfully can.
If I test this with just one user accessing the database at a time, everything works fine. It's only when 1+ users are trying to change each other's data
Can anyone help me? Again, I know not attaching the code itself is hard, but I was wondering if someone had any experience with multiple users connecting to a database with more than one table in the database? If you need any more info I'll be glad to provide anything.
Thanks guys.