I have a dialog that when it opens, the left half is hidden until the user presses a button. I tried using resize so that it fits what is currently being displayed and that brings it down, but only to the sizeHint width that Qt set, and I need it to be narrower than that. If I'm reading the documentation right, resize sets the size to match the existing widgets or the sizeHint, whichever is bigger. The sizeHint width is 167 and I need it to be about 110. I tried setting minimum size to 110 but that didn't make a difference.

What I tried is

In my constuctor

QSizeF size = QSizeF(110.0,110.0);
QVariant var = QVariant(size);
this->setProperty("sizeHint", var);

I checked, it is a valid variant but the change doesn't occur.

From what I've read, I thought this would work, but when I check it after the window has been drawn it's still 167. Can anybody help me out? I've beat my head against the wall for 2 days on this and the boss is starting to get unhappy with my progress.