Ok, I have a class
And underneath this
I have two push buttons:
QPushButton* a;
QPushButton* b;

Since I have like many SomeObjects, I cannot use
QPushButton#a {
to style. I am forced to set a parent.

QWidget *AWidget;
QWidget *BWidget;
AWidget = new QWidget(this);
BWidget = new QWidget(this);
a = new QPushButton(AWidget);

So now I can do:
QWidget#AWidget > QPushButton#a {

This works fine, but for some reason, every time i do this, one of the TWO buttons in this class, doesn't work, It's normal state works, but Hover and Pressed Doesn't, if i switch parents around create new parents etc, it makes no difference. If I switch A and B around as parents, it makes no difference. The only way to get the two buttons to work, is if I remove the AWidget and BWidget idea, but then I cannot STYLE these buttons... Remember SomeObject is a large array of SomeObject classes, and since QSS does NOT have "class" but only ID defined by setObjectName, I cannot do anything. I wish it was like CSS where you can just do like class='bla' on like 30 things, and then define how to style bla.

Like as if there is some RULE in QT that you cannot have 2 Widgets with same widget parent.