I am new to this forum and to pyqt5 as well. i have a desktop app developed with pyqt5 and would like to know whether i could convert that to android app easily or not. Where should i start with.
I am new to this forum and to pyqt5 as well. i have a desktop app developed with pyqt5 and would like to know whether i could convert that to android app easily or not. Where should i start with.
Google, maybe?Where should i start with.
<=== The Great Pumpkin says ===>
Please use CODE tags when posting source code so it is more readable. Click "Go Advanced" and then the "#" icon to insert the tags. Paste your code between them.
Google brought me here
It seems there is some support for PyQt5 on Android. If you are familiar with the Android environment then it may be possible. If you are also new to that environment then I suspect it will not be straightforward. In either case, the nature of the UI will be important as it needs to function well in a limited environment.
"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." -- Einstein
If you are posting code then please use [code] [/code] tags around it - makes addressing the problem easier.
Ok, i am new to all these, i have a very silly question but need guidance, i know a bit of python and if i learn QML can i make good looking apps for both android and desktop with this combo? my understanding is QML is a UI language? am i right? and also QT and QML are same?
Yes, though depending on the application the usage of QtWidgets might result in better UI than usage of QtQuick.
No, but you probably mean QtQuick.
QML is a language to describe trees of objects, their properties and relations.
One usage is to describe UI scenes using the QtQuick component set.
QML is part of the technologies available in Qt. Qt is far wider than just QML.
techie (10th March 2019)
I don't think that will be necessary, Python should be fine.
With Qt 5.12 it is now even supported by The Qt Company directly.
They call if "Python for Qt"