Hi, I need to link the data from the classes connected to the backend, for example I have this class where it receives the data from the server through this method:

Qt Code:
  1. void ClientServices::readyRead()
  2. {
  3. QDataStream in(tcpSocket);//QtcpSocket
  5. int code = 0;
  6. double pCost = 0;
  7. double pPublic = 0;
  9. in >> code >> pCost >> pPublic;
  11. qDebug() << code << pCost << pPublic;
  14. }
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the Backend is declare in this mode:

qmlRegisterType<Backend>("io.qt.Backend", 1, 0, "Backend");

can I do?

I think to do with the Q_Property but but I wouldn't go for the backend anymore. In practice I have to fill in text boxes with variable :

code >> pCost >> pPublic;

see my schema: