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Thread: Newbie question: All Qt-based applications didn't show their GUI

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Default Newbie question: All Qt-based applications didn't show their GUI

    I have some bunch of Qt-based softwares (such us VLC, Calibre, Krita, Mendeley Desktop, MalwareByte, Free Download Manager) which run in the background but not show any GUI in a Windows 10 machine. All related qt*.dll are available in their respective folders. I did tried to install/uninstall, but the problem persists.

    But, I have other Qt-based softwares are running well (Octave, Anaconda).

    I think the problem is related with the GUI setting of either Octave or Anaconda.

    Any ideas?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Newbie question: All Qt-based applications didn't show their GUI

    Hi, a colleague had some strange problems in the past that were caused by programs that modified some of the PATH variables.
    You could check with Dependency Walker if the programs really load the Qt DLLs from their own directory.


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