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Thread: Compile QML of Plugins

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2019
    Qt products

    Default Compile QML of Plugins

    Is there a way to compile the QML included with plugins (like QtWebEngine, QtQuick.2, etc).

    Overall I am including all of my QML pre-compiled (and in a resource), and the loading speed has been greatly improved.

    However loading a WebPage (initially) is slow (I'm thinking having to compile QML is not helping)... so I'd like to pre-compile the QML that comes with any plugin.

    When running windeployqt.exe (there is no command to have it compile it when it deploys, unfortunately), but is there a way to compile it?

    - RapidMark

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2019
    Qt products

    Default Re: Compile QML of Plugins

    Quote Originally Posted by RapidMark View Post
    Is there a way to compile the QML included with plugins (like QtWebEngine, QtQuick.2, etc).

    Overall I am including all of my QML pre-compiled (and in a resource), and the loading speed has been greatly improved.

    However loading a WebPage (initially) is slow (I'm thinking having to compile QML is not helping)... so I'd like to pre-compile the QML that comes with any plugin.

    When running windeployqt.exe (there is no command to have it compile it when it deploys, unfortunately), but is there a way to compile it?

    - RapidMark
    Added this to a deploy script and now I ship with qmlc (and remove the qml).

    Qt Code:
    1. echo Compiling QML
    2. cd qml
    3. for /r %%i in (*.qml) do (echo|set /p="." & qmlcachegen %%i)
    4. echo .
    5. echo Deleting QML
    6. for /r %%i in (*.qml) do (echo|set /p="." & del %%i)
    7. echo .
    8. cd ..
    To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

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