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Thread: Remove traling zeros from QString scientific notation num value

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2020

    Default Remove traling zeros from QString scientific notation num value

    I have the next code, this code print a value in scientific notation, but i want to remove the trailing zeros

    valor = 541; QString cStyleResult = QString::number(valor.toDouble(), 'e');

    qDebug() << cStyleResult ;

    output: 5.410000e2

    I want to remove the trailing zeros(right decimal zeros), example I want to save only the value of 5.41

    some ideas????

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
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    Default Re: Remove traling zeros from QString scientific notation num value

    Hi, you could
    - specifiy a precision as the third parameter for QString::number
    - you could use QString::arg() and play with fieldwidth and precision
    - you could take your string, find the e or E of the scientific notation, and remove all zeroes in front of it (probably the ugliest method...)
    - probably many more...


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