Quote Originally Posted by luckachi View Post
Hi Chris, thank you for your response - I appreciate it. I am working with a console application versus a GUI app and the slots / signals still confuse me a bit. I re-wrote my ftp a bit but I am not sure all of this is necessary compared to my initial post. I assume the way to do the signal and slots is the QObject::connect lines?
The connect() calls are part of the signal/slot mechanism. The other part is a running event loop that delivers emitted signals to listening slots. You need these components on the client side regardless of GUI/console choice. On a quick inspection your code snippet looks OK for the first part. For a beginner it may be easier to follow if you split the slots into standalone functions because you can then trace execution more obviously with your debugger. You need to be careful about the scope of the netMan object: it needs to exist to process requests/responses.

I assume you have read the docs
For the web service PHP, I assume this should go into the main.cpp file versus placing it on the actual page even though I want it to send the information to the file on a button click?
All the client code belongs in the client application. The server providing your service is just another place you communicate with, and it does not matter how that server implements the service (C++, PHP, Java, or COBOL ). If you are using a mechanism like SOAP then you have an agreed way to express requests to the server and receive responses from it. The SOAP requests and responses are the payload of (usually) an HTTP request and response. You can see an example pair for a simple service: https://www.dataaccess.com/webservic...=NumberToWords

I am not sure where a button click comes from in a console application. However, the process of constructing and sending a SOAP request is the same regardless of the event (button click, timer, whatever...).