Interesting, that makes sense to me along with some of the advice you gave here!

Perhaps me trying to combine them into my existing data structure classes is contributing to my confusion and when I separate it out, things will start to make some more sense. I was putting them into my existing classes just for simplicity during the prototyping phase, but perhaps it is throwing me off of what I actually need to do to implement my model indices.

Basically you are suggesting just create somewhat of a linked list implementation of my data structure, and then use a unique identifier for every single node, that then each map to a unique modelindex within ClassroomModel and thus also gets exposed to my QML view.

I continue to wonder if this is really the best way to accomplish what seems like it should have a simpler solution (just properties for each member at each level since they are all qobjects?), but I see that sentiment in quite a few of the other similar threads to mine Your suggestion is starting to circle in on another idea I was starting to have which was to just have a whole pile of pointers that go into a hash table with some way of accessing them, and the way you are suggesting seems similar (using modelindex and the predefined model interface to solve the access problem)