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Thread: How any widget/frame/button to be displayed/look like outside boundary of main window

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default How any widget/frame/button to be displayed/look like outside boundary of main window


    Please see the attached screenshots of software clean my Mac(Dummy-min.jpg)
    I have to create same screen for my application.
    This window contains two specific widget - one vertical frame containing a lot of options - showing outside the boundary of main window.
    second Scan button is showing outside the boundary of main window.

    Please help me or guide me that how we can create like this type of windows.
    I am using Qt 5.14 for MacOS.

    Please reply.
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  2. #2
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    Default Re: How any widget/frame/button to be displayed/look like outside boundary of main wi

    I think you could create these as top-level, frameless widgets (or non-modal dialogs) and use the Qt::FramelessWindowHint and Qt::WindowStaysOnTopHint window flags. (i.e. created with no parent) The widget containing the button might need a transparent background. If these windows have to stay in the same position relative to the main window, then you'll have to implement QEvent-handling code in the main window code for move, resize, hide, show, close, and maybe some other events to move / hide / close these other windows along with the main window.

    Since they have no parent, you will have to explicitly call deleteLater() when the main window is destroyed, I think. This should probably be done in a main window slot connected to the QObject::destroyed() signal for the main window. If you do it in the main window destructor instead, I think that will be too late and could cause a crash.
    Last edited by d_stranz; 8th November 2022 at 17:06.
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