I am implementing the "Apple Login" in my deskop app.
Due to the fact that Apple does not allow to set the redirect url to http://localhost:port, I am using (just for testing) [NGROK](https://ngrok.com/) to redirect the traffic to my local port (5476) and I set this [url](https://2f86-38-253-189-105.ngrok-free.app) as redirect url in the Apple developer console.

In my code I have

Qt Code:
  1. // Reply handler
  2. auto replyHandler = new QOAuthHttpServerReplyHandler(5476, this);
  3. m_oauth->setReplyHandler(replyHandler);
  5. connect(m_oauth, &QOAuth2AuthorizationCodeFlow::granted, this, &AppleLogin::onGranted);
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

While I can see the received traffic in the NGROK console:

state=0SajhHkd&code=c49365639c5644b3a80fd3659f294c 2b1.0.mrsqv.BVX-As8PsnmH5Oha5Zcgww&user=%7B%22name%22%3A%7B%22firs tName%22%3A%22Franco%22%2C%22lastName%22%3A%22Amat o%22%7D%2C%22email%22%3A%22f.amato%40beastburst.co m%22%7D
The reply handler seems not catching the traffic and thus the granted signal is not emitted.
How can I solve this problem to test my software? Is there a better way to get the traffic without using ngrok?