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Thread: Tree Model with checkboxes click determination

  1. #1

    Default Tree Model with checkboxes click determination

    I have made TreeModel which extends QAbstractItemModel.
    Created checkboxes on the first column.
    Click on the row causes opening new window with extra information.
    I have a problem that when I click on checkbox, it count as I changed selection of row too and calls function opening new window.
    How to determine theese two events?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Tree Model with checkboxes click determination

    You can use QModelIndex::data() with the role Qt::CheckStateRole to determine the checked status of the checkbox on the QItemSelection returned by your QItemSelectionModel.

    You might need to keep a separate data structure that keeps track of which items are checked so you can compare the old state and the new state. If the state changes on a click, then you can skip the code that opens the information window.

    By default, any click on any part of a row in a tree view changes the selection, so clicking the checkbox or anything else will cause the QItemSelection to change. The only way you can distinguish between a checkbox click and an actual selection change is with extra code.

    You could also derive a custom QItemSelectionModel and override the QItemSelectionModel::select() slots. In your implementation, you can check the status of the check box and emit a new signal (something like checkStateChanged( const QModelIndex & )) if the state has changed or call QItemSelectionModel::emitSelectionChanged() if it is a row change. Your top level code could then look for the two different signals.
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