I am trying to enable GPU debugging for a DirectX 12 RHI application using PIX on Windows. But when I check "For GPU capture" option in PIX, the tool fails to launch. Has anyone encountered this issue and successfully debugged DirectX 12 GPU calls within a QRHI application using PIX? I'd appreciate any insights or solutions.
Here is the setting of QT:
- QT 6.8.1
- Windows 10 22H2
- Intel Integrated GPU
- Simple RHI widget example
The error message:
The environment variables I have modified:
The init function:
Qt Code:
if (m_rhi != rhi()) { m_pipeline.reset(); m_rhi = rhi(); QRhiD3D12InitParams params; params.enableDebugLayer = true; m_rhi->create(QRhi::D3D12, ¶ms); }To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode