Hi all !

I'm playing with the new widgets, pseudo-states and sub-controls added in qt 4.3, since the documentations is still lacking I have some questions.

1) I cannot find a way to define style sheet for the QScrollBar widget, I try redefining its sub-controls.. without any results, someone have made also a simple test ?

2) I have a problem to define the style sheet for a vertical QSlider, the horizontal one code that I use is:

Qt Code:
  1. QSlider::groove:horizontal
  2. {
  3. border-image: url(qss/sl_groove.png) 1;
  4. border-width: 1;
  5. height: 1px;
  6. }
  8. QSlider::handle:horizontal
  9. {
  10. image: url(qss/h_handle.png);
  11. top: -6px;
  12. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

the vertical one works visually but I cannot move the handle (it is blocked) (probably something in the code is missing):

Qt Code:
  1. QSlider::groove:vertical
  2. {
  3. border-image: url(qss/sl_groove_v.png) 1;
  4. border-width: 1;
  5. }
  7. QSlider::handle:vertical
  8. {
  9. image: url(qss/v_chandle.png);
  10. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

3) I don't understand how to set the style sheet of a generic widget (suppose QSlider) and then setting a different style sheet only for a custom widget class derived from the generic one (i.e a ColorSlider that inherit QSlider). The code that I use, without any good result have this form:

QSlider {

ColorSlider {

I try to use also several types selector, and I can made a distinction only using the ID Selector (defining the ObjectName for the widget). I would like to define different style sheet for different kind of widgets.

