
We are trying to set a pixmap in QLabel.. but when i give the relative path the QLabel is not displaying the QPixmap...
the hierarchy is as below.

[HTML] /root/Desktop/source
| |
| |
dlg icons[/HTML]
I have My sourcefile *.cpp in dlg and pixmap (*.xpm) in icons..

Qt Code:
  1. // Not setting pixmap
  2. labelObj_1->setPixmap( QPixmap("../icons/RIcon.xpm" ) );
  3. // Setting pixmap
  4. labelObj_2->setPixmap( QPixmap( "/root/Desktop/source/icons/TIcon.xpm" ) );
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

labelObj_1 is unable to resolve the path and not setting the pixmap.. where as
labelObj_2 is able to set the pixmap....

Why the label not resolving if the relative path given....,?????