
The following code has (at least) 2 problems :
Qt Code:
  1. // set background and size it correctly
  2. QWidget *main = new QWidget( this );
  3. ( this )->resize( 569, 458 );
  4. setPaletteBackgroundPixmap
  5. ( QPixmap::fromMimeSource( "images/Exemple_Background.png" ) );
  7. // track mouse moves
  8. setMouseTracking ( true );
  10. // exit push button
  11. QPushButton * pbClose = new QPushButton ( this );
  12. pbClose->resize( QSize( 10, 10 ) );
  13. pbClose->move( 551, 5 ); // position over background
  14. pbClose->setMask( QBitmap() ); // for transparency
  16. connect( pbClose, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( close() ) );
  17. connect( pbClose, SIGNAL( QEvent::Enter ), this, SLOT ( changeCursor() ) );
  18. connect( pbClose, SIGNAL( QEvent::Leave ), this, SLOT ( resetCursor() ) );
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
1. setMouseTracking must be wrongly implemented because it never starts the slots,
2. if i include the line "pbClose->setMask( QBitmap() );" then the control is transparent,
but it never signals the click. (w/o this line I can click but the background in not
visible anymore.

I tried various things but none worked, can you help me ?