I've been running into speed issues with QGraphicsView attempting to do various operations. I was under the impression that all in-window drawing should be extremely fast, but that doesn't seem to be the case. What I want to do seems rather simple, but always ends up slow. I'm putting the genesis of my code below with appropriate questions sprinkled throughout.
Original idea:
I have a main window that currently has a QGraphicsView located in the middle. When a certain event happens, I want to have another QGraphicsView pop up with icons on it, semi-transparent over the original (so the original seems to "darken"). These icons animate as they pop up, by resizing.
So originally, I set the background:
setPalette( p );
setAutoFillBackground( true );
setBackgroundRole( QPalette::Base );
QPalette p = palette();
p.setColor( QPalette::Base, QColor(0, 0, 0, 0) );
setPalette( p );
setAutoFillBackground( true );
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
And I then had a QTimeLine that would cause the alpha value to change. So when the timer fired:
setPalette( p );
QPalette p = palette();
p.setColor( QPalette::Base, QColor(0, 0, 0, value*4) );
setPalette( p );
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
But this was extremely slow. It also caused a "flash" when the QGV was shown or hidden (using show() or hide()) where the entire thing would flash white before drawing. So I tried simply setting it to a final transparency value from the beginning, without using the QTimeLine to change it. This was better but still very slow.
Question #1: Was I doing something wrong here? Can I expect to get decent partial-transparency speed somehow?
So at this point I decided to just use full transparency, which worked much more quickly. But still the "flash" persisted. Eventually I found out that I could start the "flash" on QGV's show by removing
setAutoFillBackground( true );
setAutoFillBackground( true );
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
from the initial code segment above. Now, the items just seem to "pop up" on top of the QGV underneath. But when I hide() the QGV, it still does this "flash" and I've not found a way to get around it.
Question #2: What causes this "flash" and how can I stop it from happening on hide() (and on show() in case I want to have it fill the background)?
One thing I noticed at this point is that the QGraphicsView won't accept drops, despite
setAcceptDrops( true );
setAcceptDrops( true );
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode
in my constructor. But the QGraphicsItems I add to my scene, which also have this set in their constructors, receive drops just fine.
Question #3: Why isn't the QGV accepting drops?
So at this point I have a transparent QGV with some items derived from QGraphicsSvgItem. They all share a QSvgRenderer so that I only have to read the SVG file once. At the moment, they are all the same item, so they all render the same graphic. I set up a QTimeLine to have these items resize so that they appear to grow in from nothing. But as my QGV gets larger, say, if my main window becomes bigger, this becomes extremely slow, and I'm not sure why (unless the answer is "because they're SVGs"). I want to use SVGs because I want the size of the item to change (and look decent) depending on the size of the QGV.
Question #4: Why is this resizing so slow, why is it affected by the QGV size, and can I do anything about it?
I think that's it for now. Thanks in advance.