Just wondered if it is possible to have QToolButtons on a QToolBar, which has different icon sizes, so that the QToolBars iconSize() doesn't affect the buttons.

Let's say I have a tool button with a icon of size 100x50, and one with 50x50.
Then I want them placed on a QToolBar, so that both icons are showed in their actual size, without needing to have the toolbar to be 100px tall.

Qt Code:
  1. _______________________________________
  2. | ________________ ___ | | | | | | |
  3. | |________________| |___| |
  4. |_______________________________________|
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

(crappy example, I know... :P)
Illustrating the toolbar, and two QToolButtons with icons of different sizes.

Would this be possible?