My question is this: Where do I start? (maybe this is too big of a question.)

I'm trying write a fairly simple program...some basic file IO, a couple of forms...nothing special. I'm a visual person so I've created the forms in designer already. Now I don't know what to program next.
I've looked though the tutorials and documentation extensively, but most examples include coding the GUI from the beginning. The one thing I thought would be useful, "Using a Component in Your Application" (from the designer manual), is a bit obfuscated to me and I'm becoming frustrated on what I feel should be within my means.

I know I need a main.cpp...In my limited understanding this seems to only start the program and display the main window. So where do I put my actual code...the meat of the program? Is it in cpp files for the individual forms?

I'm a bit confused, and maybe I'm looking at this all wrong...the last time I used Qt it was version 3. I'd greatly appreciate it if someone could point me in the right direction, or as I have no aversion to reading, point me to something that can help.

Thanks for your time in reading this...looking forward to some replys,