I'm trying to run some external programs fron a qt4.0 interface and catch the standardoutput and standard error.

I'm using Qprocesses class. Things work very good im Linux (Opensuse 10.0) but in windows (2000 Pro, qt4.1 open version) the external process never end and the finished sign is not emmitted.

my code is very easy, is a small fraction

QProcess nh3d;
Ui_MainWindow ui;
void batchprocess::nhdstart()

if(nh3d.state() ==0 )
qWarning("Program it's already running \n");
ui.textBrowser_2->append("Program it's already running \n");

the function batchprocess::nhdstart() is connected to a click of a pushup button and it is working.

Any help or clues will be very appreciated.
I've found an old thread on the subject but the solutions there aren't good for me

best Regards