Hi guys,

I would like to paint a transparent widget(with crossPattern) on the QGraphicsView. I create a widget with QGraphicsView as its' parent, but nothing happens. While moving on the view I can't move on the exact rectangle where I specify the widget, but I can't see it. What is more I do not want that to happend; the widget should not accept any focus etc.

Here is a piece of code,

Qt Code:
  1. QWidget* panel;
  2. panel = new QWidget(m_view);//m_view is the QGraphicsView
  3. panel->setPaletteBackgroundColor(Qt::red);
  4. panel->setFixedHeight(100);
  5. panel->setFixedWidth(100);
  6. panel->setBackgroundColor(Qt::red);
  7. panel->setPaletteForegroundColor(Qt::red);
  8. panel->setVisible(true);
  9. panel->show();
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

How to make the widget visible?
How to force the widget to ignore any focus/mouseOver/mouseMove events?
