This may be a basic question, but I'm really having trouble with mouse event propagation with Graphics View.

My problem is that I have a box with some text in it. So a QGraphicsItem with a QGraphicsTextItem as the child. Well the box tracks mouse hover events, but for some reason the QGraphicsTextItem swallows those events. So when the mouse is over the text item, my box doesn't get hover events. While I don't know why QGraphicsTextItem doesn't pass those events along (with NoTextInteraction set), it at least makes sense that the topmost item gets the events first.
Now when I set TextEditorInteraction on the QGraphicsTextItem, I can type and click the cursor around, but I can't click and drag to highlight text. Those events are passed on to the box, so I end up moving the box when I really want to select text instead. Also, the QGraphicsView mousePressed method seems to get called first, even though the mouse press occurred on a QGraphicsItem. Shouldn't the view only get the mouse press if it is ignored by all the QGraphicsItems that are under the mouse?

All in all I'm very confused about how events work in Graphics View. Any help would be greatly appreciated.