Thank you for your answer. In reverse order :-)

Quote Originally Posted by wysota View Post
BTW. Have you tried to simply set the resizeMode of the second column in the header to Stretch?
Yes, but it is not enough -- if I resize the whole table x2, the first column will not get 50% of the resize, all extra width will go to the second. And my goal is to make resizing (of entire table) fair for all columns.

Quote Originally Posted by wysota View Post
I suspect it'd be easier to subclass the table widget and reimplement its resizeEvent and update the columns there after the header gets adjusted by the original resizeEvent (you have to call the base class implementation yourself of course).
I already did this, but as I said before -- I don't know if the entire table is resizing or just one column -- everything is pushed into resizeEvent.

Quote Originally Posted by wysota View Post
You can install an event filter on the header view and mark the event as handled (by returning true from the eventFilter() method) so that the table widget doesn't receive them.
Thank you -- I just tried it, but it does not work. Why? The design of header<->table interaction is a bit bizarre

column header is being resized -> it sends a signal -> signal is caught by table -> table says update columns -> method updating columns calls in some place resizeEvent of the table

So when I installed filter I got a lot of events from the header but not this one when the header column was resized.

have a nice day, bye