
I am totally stuck trying to make a Ubuntu package for a very simple QT4 program, with just a single binary for now (I have a menu file and icon too, but those can wait!). I have no problem compiling and running the program on Ubuntu, but my personal Distro is Fedora, and I have no real clue on making .deb files, so I have been trying to follow tutorials on the web.

The way I would make the program is typical, so I figure these are the only steps required:

sudo cp ../bin/vftools /usr/bin/

Now, I've been looking though the docs on using Debhelper and reading anything I could find on making Ubuntu packages, but I am just totally stuck. The RPM was so easy compared to this! I tried so many different tutorials, but none seem to help me with a QT4 program :-(

The only thing even remotely helpful was something using cmake instead of qmake.. and I quickly got lost there too!

Does anyone have any pointers to a tutorial / sample rules file for a making a Ubuntu package for QT4 program?

Thanks in advance.