
I am working through a Qt tutrorial ( http://doc.trolltech.com/4.0/tutorial-t1.html ) and if I try to compile this source with "make" I get the error "QApplication: no such file or directory". Any idea what is wrong? (Okay the tutorial is for Qt4 and I have Qt3, but does it make a difference for a "Hello World" program?).

I am using Linux, QTDIR is set to /usr/lib/qt3 and I have a file /usr/lib/qt3/include/qapplication.h.

A second question in the same area: If I follow the Qt book ( http://doc.trolltech.com/4.0/how-to-learn-qt.html - see link in the first line of the text), they use #include <qapplication.h> which works on my computer. I thought one shouldn't use the <xxx.h> for includes anymore. Any opinion on that? Which tutorial is the more recent one?
