For learning Qt programming I'm working on a little gpl project:

you can obtain the source code via svn:

Qt Code:
  1. svn checkout svn://
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 
or browse the code:

It's a bit tricky compiling since you need the (unstable) trunk version of paludis installed to link with, and an up-to-date gentoo system.

Now I have encountered a problem with a QThread derived class "src/ItemInstallTask.{cc,hh}", which handles package compilation and installation. The QThread::run() method only calls a predefined function from paludis api, which is doing the dirty work. While the thread is running, the Gui is completely blocked. I don't understand why that happens. And how to solve the issue. Perhaps someone can give me a hint, what I'm doing wrong.
