I came across a problem with qmake and Makefile.

I have this kind of directory structure :
Qt Code:
  1. src/NameSpace1/builder.cpp
  2. src/NameSpace2/builder.cpp
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Some statements :
  • There is many namespaces
  • Each namespace has its own directory
  • Each namespace is owned by a developper who is responsible for it
  • Developpers don't know what's in others' namepsaces

As you can see in the sample, some name collisions will happen. There is no problem at the C++ level, but during the compilation stage some targets will have the same name.
For instance:
Qt Code:
  1. $> qmake -project "DESTDIR = debug" -o MyApp.pro && qmake
  2. $> make
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It will output all object files in debug/. Considering the first example, it will be two same targets "debug/builder.o".

Is there any easy solution to create the same directory structure for object files as the source files ?

It should be something like that:
Qt Code:
  1. debug/NameSpace1/builder.o
  2. debug/NameSpace2/builder.o
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