I am wondering what the best (fastest) paint device would be for my application. I am doing the following: I get a couple of images via http requests. Those I store as QPixmaps. Then I draw these pixmaps into a larger pixmap to get a "composed" image. To display this image I call painter.drawPixmap(composedPixmap) within the paintEvent of the Widget. Is this the fastest way to realize this? I don't exacly know if a QImage could be faster.

Instead of using drawPixmap in the paintEvent of the widget bitblt() would surely be faster, but before I can use this, I have to convert the QPixmap into a QImage, and I don't think that's worth it.

Then... another question how do I performant move this composed image on the display? Do I give the "scrolling value" when calling drawPixmap()? I realised, this is faster than using painter.translate(). What about the performance of painter.setViewport()? (I would try this later myself, but I think if I'm already asking so many questions... )

If anybody have links for performant graphic programming on a Qtopia device I would be very happy to get them.