I have installed qt creator 0.9.1 from Qt page (windows version). Because of some errors, I've installed Qt 4.4.3 separately and then QT creator. But when I try to build simple project (console Hello Wold) I get an error:

Running build steps for project test...
Starting: C:/Qt/4.4.3/bin/qmake.exe C:/Users/Luka/Develpoment/QTcpp/test/test.pro -spec win32-g++ -r
Exited with code 0.
Could not find make command: mingw32-make.exe in the build environment
Error while building project test
When executing build step 'Make'
Canceled build.

I've set the qt 4.4.3 directory in tools->options, but I don't know where to set the location of mingw32.

Thanks in advance, fb2007