I recently uninstalled Qt 4.4.3 (or perhaps it was 4.3.3) and installed the latest Qt. 'make' used to work from my older Qt command prompt, but now when trying to use 'make' I get the message
'make' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
This older thread says that there is a make.bat file, but there is no make.bat (or make.exe) file in the Qt\2009.03\qt\bin folder or the Qt\2009.03\mingw\bin folder. I searched for make.bat in file explorer and it couldn't find such a file on my hard drive. Don't know if that only applies to older versios of Qt.

I placed %QTDIR%\bin is in my system path (also tried %QTDIR%/bin as the thread says). Also when I start the Qt command prompt it says:
Setting up a MinGW/Qt only environment...
-- QTDIR set to C:\Qt\2009.03\qt
-- PATH set to C:\Qt\2009.03\qt\bin
-- Adding C:\Qt\2009.03\bin to PATH
-- Adding C:\Windows\System32 to PATH
-- QMAKESPEC set to win32-g++
So I don't know why make fails. 'qmake' works fine, and I can make my program by entering c:\Qt\2009.03\mingw\bin\mingw32-make.exe. But I can't figure out why 'make' is not working fine.