hi all, i have installed qtopia-phone-2.1.1,but when i run startphonedemo,i reference following:
but i cant findd SmartPhone.skin and phonesim, but i find phonesim.h , phonesim.pro,phonesim-test.pro in phonesim dir

Qt Code:
  1. Please select a phone demo mode:
  3. 1. Touchscreen Phone
  4. 2. Keypad Phone
  6. Your choice (default 1):
  7. quicklauncher: no process killed
  8. qpe: no process killed
  9. qvfb: no process killed
  10. Stopping common sound deamons...
  11. Stopping phone simulator...
  12. Starting qvfb...
  13. Starting phone simulator...
  14. Using display 0
  15. ./startphonedemo: phonesim: command not found
  16. Skin file "/home/freegnu/qt/phone/qtopia-phone-2.1.1/image/opt/Qtopia/bin/SmartPhone.skin" not found
  17. QFile::getch: File not open
  18. QFile::getch: File not open
  19. QFile::getch: File not open
  20. QFile::getch: File not open
  21. QFile::getch: File not open
  22. QFile::getch: File not open
  23. QFile::getch: File not open
  24. QFile::getch: File not open
  25. QPixmap::convertFromImage: Cannot convert a null image
  26. QPixmap::convertFromImage: Cannot convert a null image
  27. QPixmap::convertToImage: Cannot convert a null pixmap
  28. QPixmap::convertFromImage: Cannot convert a null image
  29. QPixmap::convertToImage: Cannot convert a null pixmap
  30. QPixmap::convertFromImage: Cannot convert a null image
  31. ./startphonedemo: line 61: 1647 Segmentation fault qvfb -skin $PHONESKIN
  32. Starting Qtopia Phone...
  33. could not open for writing `/opt/Qtopia/demohome/Settings/qpe_new.conf'
  34. QCopChannel::send: Must construct a QApplication before using QCopChannel
  35. Stopping phone simulator...
  36. Restarting killed sound deamons...
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does anybody give me an advice , thanks