Hi to All.......
I'm using Qt 4.6.1 on linux Open suse 11.1 (i586). I have installed Linux-SDK, I compiled it I got GSTREAMER,LIBOIL,GLIB on PC from in built of Open SUSE. Now i need to compile for Qt-Embedded 4.6.1. I downloaded Qt-everywhere-embedded 4.6.1 to compile for my ARM (I.MX31 phytec Board). I need to compile for phonon on Embedded. I'm getting errors as Phonon cannot be installed due to functionality tests. How i can compile phonon and its backend to my ARM board. I made a changes in mkspecs/qws/linux-arm-g++. I have compiler path as arm-none-linux-gnueabi. I need to compile for this compiler of Board.Suggest me for command/ installation lines how to compile for phonon on embedded version.