I am new to sqllite and QT, so I would appreciate any help I can get.
I am simply trying to create a table that has a date field included in it. When I populate the table I would like the date field to be populated with the current system date and time. I tried using the following:

db.exec("insert into readings4 values(4, 796.5,52.5,200,250,DATETIME('NOW')");

The above command does not seem to work. Please advise...

I have listed the rest of my code below for reference.


QSqlQuery tableTest = db.exec("SELECT * FROM readings4");

if(tableTest.lastError().type() != 0) {
tableTest = db.exec("CREATE TABLE readings4 ('nodeId' INTEGER ghNOT NULL , 'temperature' FLOAT, 'humidity' FLOAT, 'light' INTEGER, 'soil' FLOAT, 'dateTime' DATE)");

//Check to see that new table was created successfully
if(tableTest.lastError().type() != 0) {
QMessageBox::critical(0, QObject::tr("DB table init error"), tableTest.lastError().text(), QMessageBox::Ok);
return false;
QMessageBox::information(0, QObject::tr("Creating new table"), "Could not find readings table.\n Creating it now.", QMessageBox::Ok);

db.exec("insert into readings4 values(1, 796.5,52.5,200,250,'2010-03-23 12:03')");
db.exec("insert into readings4 values(2, 76.5,52.5,200,250,'2010-03-23 12:03')");
QSqlQuery lastExec = db.exec("insert into readings4 values(3, 76.5,52.5,200,250,'2010-03-23 12:03')");


db.exec("insert into readings4 values(4, 796.5,52.5,200,250,DATETIME('NOW')");