
I'm in the position of the OP of this fairly recent thread (http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/3223...ht=Qwt+plugins), namely I've gotten Qwt widgets to show up in Qt Designer, but I would like to be able to access them in Qt Creator. I can also compile and run Qwt examples from Creator, as well as my own little demo programs. I'm doing this in debug mode, having built qwt in both modes by modifying qwtconfig.pri accordingly. And sadly, trying to do my development in release mode is not a good option for me.

However, Creator is not seeing the Qwt widgets. I've put qwt_designer_plugin*.dll in C:\Qt\2010.02\qt\plugins\designer with the rest of the designer widget dlls, and put qwt5 and qwtd5 in qt/bin, but the widgets aren't visible. This is really my first time trying to work with plugins--can anyone give me a hand? Thank you--
