With the Download & Run function of Supervivi, we can download the 2440test program‟‟ via USB without the use of parallel port or JTAG board. Take the following steps:
1. Connect the power source, serial port line, USB Cable to the board, set the S2 to the Nor Flash, run the Hyper-terminal and DNW program. Power up the board.
2. Check the connections. As shown in the picture below, [USB: OK] means that USB driver has been installed and USB is connected, [COM: x] means that the serial port is not connected.

Connect the JTAG board to the JTAG interface on the MINI2440 board, and the serial port line to the serial port. Power-up the board, open the H-JTAG program:Copy the directory 2440test in the program codein the CD to another directory in the hard‟‟‟‟ disk (D:\work in this example), remove the read-only attribute. Then run the ADS1.2 program, click File->Open... and open the file 2440test.mcp,
Click the menu Project->Debug or Press the F5 key to start compiling the 2440test project.‟‟ After compiling the AXD Debugger automatically runs and downloads the 2440test.axf image to the memory via JTAG interface