Hi ,

Is is possible that a readyread signal is emitted on an RS232 port once I send some data to the RS232 port.
I have connected the signal readyread to a slot, but the slot is not getting invoked once I send data to RS232 port . If I check the obj->bytesavailable() at the receiving port, I am able to get the bytes available, but, once I use the readyread signal, the corresponding slot is not invoked. Is it because the readyread signal is not detected by the receiver ?

void serialServer::serialServer()

sp = new QextSerialPort("/dev/ttyS0");

qDebug("port is open");
qDebug("port error");

frame_no = 1;
us = 31 ; //ASCII for uit seperator is 31
eot = 4 ; //ACSII for End of transmission

connect(&this, SIGNAL(readyRead()), &this, SLOT(requestframe()));
// connect(&this, SIGNAL(bytesWritten(qint64)), &this, SLOT(sendframe(qint64)));

void serialServer::requestframe()
QByteArray buffer;
buffer +=sp->read(sp1->bytesAvailable());

if(buffer.toInt(&ok,10) == frame_no)



The code segment is attached. serialServer class is inherited from QIODevice. requestframe is declared as a public slot.

Please help. Thank You