Hi Guys,
I'm trying to run a very basic QtLocation application. It contains only a QGraphicsView widget and I want to add a QGraphicsGeoMap item to this view's scene. The code compiles without errors but when I try to run the app I immediately get a segmentation fault.

Here's the code:
Qt Code:
  1. ui->setupUi(this);
  2. QGraphicsScene *mapScene = new QGraphicsScene(this);
  3. ui->graphicsView->setScene(mapScene);
  4. ui->graphicsView->setInteractive(true);
  6. QGeoServiceProvider serviceProvider("nokia");
  7. QGeoMappingManager *manager = serviceProvider.mappingManager();
  8. QGraphicsGeoMap *geoMap = new QGraphicsGeoMap(manager);
  9. ui->graphicsView->scene()->addItem(geoMap);
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Here's the error:
Qt Code:
  1. Dump of assembler code for function ZNK10QtMobility29QGeoTiledMappingManagerEngine8tileSizeEv:
  2. 0x67022f08 <+0>: push %ebp
  3. 0x67022f09 <+1>: mov %esp,%ebp
  4. 0x67022f0b <+3>: mov 0x8(%ebp),%eax
  5. 0x67022f0e <+6>: mov 0x8(%eax),%eax
  6. 0x67022f11 <+9>: mov 0x30(%eax),%edx
  7. 0x67022f14 <+12>: mov 0x2c(%eax),%eax
  8. 0x67022f17 <+15>: leave
  9. 0x67022f18 <+16>: ret
  10. 0x67022f19 <+17>: nop
  11. 0x67022f1a <+18>: xchg %ax,%ax
  12. End of assembler dump.
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Last stack entries:
Qt Code:
  1. 0 ZNK10QtMobility29QGeoTiledMappingManagerEngine8tileSizeEv C:\QtMobility\lib\QtLocation1.dll 0 0x67022f11
  2. 1 ZNK10QtMobility16QGeoTiledMapData22mapObjectsInScreenRectERK6QRectF C:\QtMobility\lib\QtLocation1.dll 0 0x6701bb77
  3. 2 ZN10QtMobility16QGeoTiledMapData8paintMapEP8QPainterPK24QStyleOptionGraphicsItem C:\QtMobility\lib\QtLocation1.dll 0 0x6701d26d
  4. 3 ZN10QtMobility15QGraphicsGeoMap11resizeEventEP25QGraphicsSceneResizeEvent C:\QtMobility\lib\QtLocation1.dll 0 0x670392be
  5. 4 ZN15QGraphicsWidget5eventEP6QEvent C:\Qt\4.7.1\bin\QtGui4.dll 0 0x6568af3f
  6. 5 ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent C:\Qt\4.7.1\bin\QtGui4.dll 0 0x6510fa38
  7. 6 ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent C:\Qt\4.7.1\bin\QtGui4.dll 0 0x6511825b
  8. 7 ZN16QCoreApplication14notifyInternalEP7QObjectP6QEvent C:\Qt\4.7.1\bin\QtCore4.dll 0 0x6a2b28f4
  9. 8 ZN15QGraphicsWidget11setGeometryERK6QRectF C:\Qt\4.7.1\bin\QtGui4.dll 0 0x6568dbe8
  10. 9 ZN15QGraphicsWidget6resizeERK6QSizeF C:\Qt\4.7.1\bin\QtGui4.dll 0 0x6568ba76
  11. 10 ZN15QGraphicsWidget10adjustSizeEv C:\Qt\4.7.1\bin\QtGui4.dll 0 0x6568bbdf
  12. 11 ZN15QGraphicsWidget10itemChangeEN13QGraphicsItem18GraphicsItemChangeERK8QVariant C:\Qt\4.7.1\bin\QtGui4.dll 0 0x6568d11c
  13. 12 ZN14QGraphicsScene12setSceneRectERK6QRectF C:\Qt\4.7.1\bin\QtGui4.dll 0 0x6565f800
  14. 13 ZN14QGraphicsScene9drawItemsEP8QPainteriPP13QGraphicsItemPK24QStyleOptionGraphicsItemP7QWidget C:\Qt\4.7.1\bin\QtGui4.dll 0 0x65666a10
  15. 14 ZN13QGraphicsView10paintEventEP11QPaintEvent C:\Qt\4.7.1\bin\QtGui4.dll 0 0x65687590
  16. 15 ZN7QWidget5eventEP6QEvent C:\Qt\4.7.1\bin\QtGui4.dll 0 0x651599ad
  17. 16 ZN6QFrame5eventEP6QEvent C:\Qt\4.7.1\bin\QtGui4.dll 0 0x654901d9
  18. 17 ZN13QGraphicsView13viewportEventEP6QEvent C:\Qt\4.7.1\bin\QtGui4.dll 0 0x65684100
  19. 18 ZN23QCoreApplicationPrivate29sendThroughObjectEventFiltersEP7QObjectP6QEvent C:\Qt\4.7.1\bin\QtCore4.dll 0 0x6a2b2013
  20. 19 ZN19QApplicationPrivate13notify_helperEP7QObjectP6QEvent C:\Qt\4.7.1\bin\QtGui4.dll 0 0x6510fa1b
  21. 20 ZN12QApplication6notifyEP7QObjectP6QEvent C:\Qt\4.7.1\bin\QtGui4.dll 0 0x651182f2
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I'm running Qt 4.7.1, QtMobility 1.1.0 and QtCreator 2.0.1 under Win 7.
I'd really appreciate any ideas how to solve this problem.