I recieve this message when quitting my program (if the program has worked for less then 20 sec - no message):
Qt Code:
  1. Waiting for RPC reply to 'destroyWidget'' call timed out
  2. Write error: "Unknown error"
  3. Sending RPC id failed for call of 'setSymbianSoftKeys'
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

If I try to debug my program, then debugger stops working at a moment, when I play with items on layout:
Qt Code:
  1. void MainWindow::closeTaskMain()
  2. {
  3. calendar->hoursList = dataManager->hoursList;
  4. taskMain->setParent(0);
  5. layout->addWidget(calendar);
  6. }
To copy to clipboard, switch view to plain text mode 

What can this problem be related to?